
I've become addicted to "A"s (I've gone back to college), love eating and cooking everything but goat cheese, I always try to please everyone and laugh without wetting myself or snorting. I love reading and keeping up with current events, I value my friends. And most especially, I'm a proud mother of four and an excessively proud grandmother of five.

Friday, August 14, 2009

...I can't believe the bull-dukie I've been hearing...

...and all I can say is:

What the frig is a "death panel"? And just where is it written that grandparents will be euthanized? I think somebody is lying...I wonder who it could be? Rush? Newt? The quitter from Alaska? What's up with their stance on advance directives/ living wills? And end of life counseling? They were for it before they were against it. And let's talk about government involvement in end-of-life decisions? NO, these conservatives say! I seem to recall some governor (Jeb) and his brother (George) and others rushing to put their two cents in in the case of Terry Sciavo (not sure of the spelling)...the poor comatose woman in Florida whose husband wanted to honor his wife's wishes and "pull the plug." Government involvement in a personal medical decision. These creeps have short memories.

Next topic, I'm glad to see that Michael Vick is about to be gainfully employed again. I'm not a fan, even back in the days before he began to play professional football, when he was still well-known for his high school football prowess. He is from the "other side" of the Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel...we are on the southside. He and Alan Iverson were both little punks with good football skills. However, he served his time, and has been released. We give our politicians and celebrities a lot of slack when they act like A-holes. So, it's time to move on and think of other more pressing things.

How about this? My catering partner and friend, Victoria, and I went to see "Julie and Julia" the other night. It was a thoroughly enjoyable movie, and Meryl Streep did such a great job of portraying Julia Child, that she will probably be nominated for an Oscar. I watched Julia Child when I was growing up, (and Chef Francois Pope). (And, I hate to brag, but as I said,) my daughter Meeghan (who has traced our family tree back to the 1500s in England and Scotland...) somewhere along the way, discovered that Julia Child is a distant (not sure how distant) relation of ours.

I don't want you to think I'm BSing here...Meeghan is a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution. This is an organization that honors the contributions of those who served in some capacity during the Revolutionary War. During her long journey of discovery, she has found that we are related to a number of unlikely people. And in order to be a member, you have to not only trace, but document and prove (using birth, death, marriage certificates, census, wills, military orders, and other legal documents). I'm not a member because I don't have the $175 or whatever it is to join.

But to get back to my point, the one relative I was most excited about was Julia Child, since she was alive during my lifetime, and because we've shared a love of cooking. And had I known that writing a food blog could get you a movie deal, I would have started doing that instead of writing about current events--which may just give me ulcers. I do have a huge cookbook collection, but I wouldn't know what country to start in. And I could have tried doing a recipe each day for a year from any one of them, but none are as exciting as "Mastering the Art of French Cooking," and none are authored by famous chefs. Now I want to buy her cookbook; though I've seen it at Kroch & Brentanos in Chicago, and in Barnes & Noble, I never thought about buying it.

I admire "Julie" in the movie, who was so methodical and dedicated to following her schedule, and so careful to do each recipe by the book. I have a tendency to get impatient with reading the instructions and following them to the letter. My measurements are very basic: (1) if a little butter is good, more is better, and (2) there's no such thing as too much chocolate. Also, (3) everything tastes better with butter, gravy, sauces, cheese, hot sauce, whipped cream, nuts, or chocolate. Actually, my husband just reminded me that I DID write a cookbook. I did this when our oldest daughter, Monica (now 40) turned 21. Meeghan, Mallory, and Matthew each wanted a copy of their own. And now my two oldest granddaughters, Sarah (13) and Ariel (11), have put in thei requests. They contain photos and anecdotes about the origins of our old family recipes, and since they are handwritten, I should probably get started now, so I can finish before they turn 21.

Well, I'll give you one recipe that I made for dessert tonight. This is a variation of my friend Kathy's blueberry dessert. Call it what you will, but it's yummy and easy. I call it a "crisp". A blueberry-pineapple crisp, to be exact. When you serve it, serve it warm, and top it with a glob of fresh whipped cream or good vanilla ice cream.

Recipe: Get a 20-ounce can of crushed pineapple in juice (don't drain it) and a 20-ounce can of blueberry pie filling. Dump them into a 9 by 13 inch cake pan. Get any brand of yellow cake mix. Sprinkle it over the fruit. Sprinkle a cup (or more, yum) of chopped pecans on top of that. Melt 1 1/2 sticks of butter in the microwave and drizzle it evenly over the top of the nuts/cake mix. Bake it at 350 degrees for 45-55 minutes. It should be golden on top, and the smell will tell you to take it out of the oven. Serve it with a big spoon...put it into bowls. If you are diabetic, see if you can find a sugar-free pie filling and a cake mix with Splenda instead of sugar (which is what I did). And eat a smaller serving.

Time for Rachel Maddow Show on MSNBC. Her show does fantastic research on the topics before she reports. She is great. If you haven't watched her show, please do. She helps gets the facts out there on any and all topics she covers.


Blogger Mohawk Chieftain said...

You think Julia would have approved of your camp utensils?

9:16 PM  
Blogger Boo said...

I love watching TRMS too. It's too bad that the stuff that she reports isn't also reported in the MSM.

11:20 AM  

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