I was just thinking...


I've become addicted to "A"s (I've gone back to college), love eating and cooking everything but goat cheese, I always try to please everyone and laugh without wetting myself or snorting. I love reading and keeping up with current events, I value my friends. And most especially, I'm a proud mother of four and an excessively proud grandmother of five.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

...that it was just summer...

I don't know where the summer went. The last time I stepped out in the back yard, it was too frigging hot and I made a U-turn at the bottom step and came back inside. Our AC has been on non-stop since May, and last night, mercifully, I was able to turn it off and finally open the windows! It got down to 55 last night, and I finally almost slept through the night. When we woke up this morning, our room was "camping chilly." Our grandson, Michael, is now in a new toddler bed, and sometime during the night woke up and raced across the hall to our room. He inserted himself right between Scott and me, and we each hung on to the edge of the mattress on our respective sides of the bed, while the little twink stretched out between us, with his head pressing against Grandpa's chest, and his feet kicking me in the face. We love the early morning, when Michael wakes up, snuggles in between us, hugs us both, and carries on a conversation with us even though we don't know what in the world he's saying.

His Aunt Mallory and I took him shopping yesterday for a Halloween costume. The dinosaur costume that Mallory found for him didn't fit right, but he ended up very satisfied with the skeleton costume that his favorite aunt sprung for. It seems like adults have become much more involved in Halloween than kids. We went to three different stores (some of these Halloween stores open for just September and October), and there were very few costumes for little kids; the majority were for adults. But he's happy. He wore the little mask all evening, and didn't even want to take it off for eating.

Scott and I began a diet the day before yesterday. I've been "pleasantly plump" for 21 years, and have managed over the past five years to lose a little weight and keep it off. Scott, on the other hand, has weighed 155 pounds since high school...he's now 50. He quit smoking (thankfully) this past January, and I think now that he can actually taste food, has been overeating. He weighed himself over the weekend, and was horrified to see the scale read 200 pounds. His tummy is chubby, and he decided to diet starting on Monday. Saturday and Sunday, he decided it was wrong and too tempting to keep fattening food in our house, so he polished off a couple of 2-liter bottles of soda, a few bags of chips, and five half-gallon cartons of assorted chocolate icecream flavors. We are eating salad (let's see how long he sticks with this diet).

My cousin Bill is living in France right now, and he and his partner seem to spend every day cooking. I don't know what they do for a living, because I see photos of beautiful homes they own in France, England, and Connecticut, and of beautiful scenery, or cozy get-togethers. They have a group of friends, that according to the photos he posts on Facebook, whose main activity in life is to eat or cook, or cook and eat elegant foods. It is extremely hard for me to eat a salad, and then look at his photos.

Michael just woke up from his nap and it is time to fix him a nice yummy lunch. I'm already sick of salad, and think maybe I'll see if he will share his chicken noodle casserole with me, and diced peaches.