
I've become addicted to "A"s (I've gone back to college), love eating and cooking everything but goat cheese, I always try to please everyone and laugh without wetting myself or snorting. I love reading and keeping up with current events, I value my friends. And most especially, I'm a proud mother of four and an excessively proud grandmother of five.

Monday, October 06, 2008

...Judgment Day!

Religious extremism has been brought into the 2008 presidential election by Christian extremists. As the McCain camp tries to instill fear into the hearts of voters, I tried to think about how those extremists might view this election. I had a discussion today regarding what is called "End of Days" or "Judgement Day." This brought up an interesting point of view. On September 11, 2001, America was attacked by religious Muslim extremists who were backed by Osama Bin Laden. Americans were horrified and stricken with fear. The McCain camp is pouncing on this irrational fear by trying to link Barak Obama, by virtue of his middle name and his color to Muslim terrorists.

Do the people who hold those particular Christian extremist views, truly think of this election day as a "Judgment Day?" Do they really believe that the election of Barack Obama will herald the end of the world? Is it a test to see who, if he or she is correct and this IS the "End of Days," will have the front seat on the bus to Heaven...or is it the REAL test to see if Americans can get past their prejudices and their fears?

America has a choice to make. The choice is, do Americans have the capacity to embrace someone whose name sounds, in their own narrow minds, too much like Osama? And whose running mate's name, "Biden," combined with his own name sounds a lot like Osama bin Laden? Does Barack Obama's race continue to be viewed by some as inferior? This is a man whose genetic makeup is a combination of the European colonizers of this country, and African. Barack Obama is what America should be proud to embrace...a living, breathing example of one of the premises of our country...that all men are created equal. He represents the "melting pot." His parents demonstrated what CAN be when people judge one another by the content of their character, not the color of their skin.

Americans NEED to see through the lies and to embrace Barack Obama, a man who encompasses so much. And to reject this hate-mongering. John SIDNEY McCain needs to put a an immediate stop to this filthy, vulgar race-baiting. It is behavior unbecoming a gentleman and an officer. John McCain needs to put a muzzle on the vicious mouth of Sarah "The Pitbull" Palin.

If America can do this, then perhaps G-d would look favorably upon them...perhaps, if this IS Judgment Day, these would be the people worthy of being saved.

L'Shana Tova. Happy New Year.


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