
I've become addicted to "A"s (I've gone back to college), love eating and cooking everything but goat cheese, I always try to please everyone and laugh without wetting myself or snorting. I love reading and keeping up with current events, I value my friends. And most especially, I'm a proud mother of four and an excessively proud grandmother of five.

Monday, November 10, 2008

...I'm not going to waste my time...

...worrying about whether or not I have offended someone with my writings. A while ago I posted a blog entry about a particular problem. Apparently I have ruffled some feathers. Oh, frigging well. What I write on my blog are my personal thoughts and opinions. If anyone doesn't like it then he/she has the option of not reading it. In this country, our Constitution guarantees the right of free speech and freedom of the press. I have never printed anything that isn't true. If someone doesn't like what they read about themself, whether it be a politician or other knucklehead, they can go pound sand. Nothing I write is a lie. And if one doesn't like what is written, then perhaps that person should try to dispell the impression they leave by actually changing their behavior, rather than threatening me with nonsensical lawsuits.

In a country with a population of around 301,139,947 according to 2007 census records, one could only imagine the number of people with the same first name. Even within a geographic region, one would imagine quite a few people with the same name. To suggest that one could be slandered by the mere mention of a common name, makes me think that person has nothing better to do with their time, and is simply an unhappy person.

As for my blog, I don't suppose that I have a very large following...yet. Who knows, maybe someday I'll be syndicated!

I prefer to spend my time writing about important issues, and not drivel ("childish, silly, or meaningless talk or thinking; nonsense; twaddle. to talk childishly or idiotically.") I removed my "offending" entry, and hope this will silence the beast.

Ah, what a wonderful world it would be if people would be responsible and law-abiding citizens, loving and involved parents, not rely on alcohol or drugs, and strive for peace and understanding among all inhabitants.


drivel. (n.d.). Unabridged (v 1.1). Retrieved November 10, 2008, from website:


Blogger sariel said...

First of all, I guess it would take individuals who lack a certain degree of intelligence to think that one could be ignorant enough to believe that:

1. Lawyers do an internet searches for clients.
2. That mentioning first names with no other means of identify a person would give anyone a legal leg to stand on.
3. It is only liable or slander if what is spoken is not the truth.

Unlike ignorant individuals who DO LACK that certain degree of intellect, I actually DO have a lawyer. He told me that I am exactly correct in what I have stated above. SO NANNY NANNY DOO DOO!

Lastly, for people who might be SO concerned over what is posted on the internet in that manner described above, it is ironic that they usually tend to be the very individuals that post far more damaging things about themselves. Those who may have children (or not), but certainly conscientious individuals, should realize that once something is put into cyberspace, IT IS THERE FOREVER. Anyone with any technical capability can see it and SAVE IT.

11:03 AM  
Blogger Cinnabitch said...

Thank you for your thoughtful comments. If this was not so pathetic, it would be laughable.

I really am concerned about this individual's state of mind--I am not being sarcastic. This whole incident transpired quite some time ago, and was but a dim memory for me until, surprisingly, it was revived through a series of unpleasant messages. A wise person would have let this whole issue drop, rather than call attention to it...particularly since the one "stirring the pot" is the guilty party. It is unhealthy to dwell on the past. Certainly, the energy devoted to reviving angry, but useless feelings, could be better used in a positive way.

Once again, thank you for your support.

12:25 PM  
Blogger Mohawk Chieftain said...

I may not be as athletic as I once was, but I've still got enough left... to be your supporter!

3:12 PM  

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